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Beyond Occult

Your part...

This is the easy part.  I don't want anything from you.  There is no hustle here.
Sure, it's obvious that I put some Google AdSense thingies on this page.  It's up to you to click on them, and in a way I kind of hope you don't.
Probably VERY VERY few people will see my real picture on the home page and recognize who I am... and there is no contact info (*that I am aware of)...  So, no, this is not a hustle.
* * *
Instead of looking at this website as something with a catch in it, how about just getting more and more comfortable with that part of you that feels naturally bonded with animals?  Talk more to cats, to birds and squirrels.  Really feel the happiness in a musical performance, or the majesty of a mountain, the noble magnificence of a blue sky, of the seeing of a blind man.  Or go eat some Mexican food, or travel somewhere.  But feel what is really there, really feel it.
And then live it. 

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